Guidelines for Online Usage & YouTube

  • The internet is an open place, and there is a lot of dangerous content out there, easily accessible to everyone.
  1. Install the following or activate the following settings on all of your devices
  2. Watch with your child/teen and monitor their gaming
      • Keep your eyes open for the following red-flags:
        • Disrespect to parents and religion
        • Profanity and language
        • Promotion of negative values and role-models
        • Note who they are conversing with online if they are playing games or using chat features. Ensure that they are not communicating with strangers or people they do not know.
  3. Limitations: Limit the amount of time spent on the internet to a maximum of 20 minutes. Children and teens should never be browsing freely on YouTube without any monitoring or without a purpose.
  4. You can use alternative websites so that your child can safely watch the video without being redirected elsewhere. Try
  5. Family-setting: Our recommendation is that every member of the family (adults included) should only engage with screens  in a communal space like a living room. Devices including laptops and iPads should not be permitted in private spaces like bedrooms. This encourages accountability from children, teenagers, and adults —  and also gives you the chance to build a stronger family environment. It’s a win-win-win-win 🙂
  6. Watch fewer online videos: In 2019, watching these videos that are hosted on massive servers around the world generated the equivalent of Spain’s CO2 emissions! Reading a book, creating, cooking, spending time with your friends and family: there are so many opportunities to have fun in a different way. Check our resources and alternative activities for ideas on non-screen activities.
  7. Use an ethical search engine: The digital world represents 4% of greenhouse gas emissions. Want a good way to reduce your ecological footprint while continuing to use the internet? Using an ethical search engine like Ecosia which finances tree planting